Oakwood School is committed to broadening access to the school for prospective pupils, as well as supporting current pupils. Help with the payment of school fees is available as means-tested financial assistance offered to parents/guardians who can demonstrate a genuine need for support. Such financial assistance, known as a ‘bursary’, is provided in the form of a discount to school fees.
Requests for financial assistance usually fall into two categories: new applicants to the school, whose parents or guardians are unable to fund the full school fees, and existing pupils, where a change in the circumstances of their parents or guardians has resulted in difficulty meeting school fees and may result in the child being withdrawn part-way through a stage of education.
Both prospective and existing parents may apply to be considered for financial assistance by completing the application form which is available from the school Bursar.
More information about bursaries may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Manager on 01243 575209.