We believe the first step in a child's time at school should be a happy time for our families. Therefore, we offer flexibility regarding session times. Children may attend for full days, mornings only or an extended morning with lunch.
We do ask that children attend for a minimum of two mornings per week allowing them to properly settle into life at Nursery. For those parents needing extended care, we offer breakfast and after school club. In addition, Camp Little Oaks operates throughout most weeks of the school holidays providing a similar structure as term time and run by Oakwood Early Years qualified staff.
The children take part in a great variety of activities, including dance, P.E., music lessons, cookery, art, outdoor learning and swimming, taught by specialist teachers. A large emphasis is placed on building a solid foundation of social skills and a love of learning, which enables the children to settle confidently to school life.
The Nursery is accommodated in its own cosy building close to the Pre-Prep part of the school. There is a secure garden with outdoor play facilities, as well as a covered play area ensuring that children can venture outside in most weathers. Nursery children make full use of the school facilities such as the gymnasium, theatre and wonderful playing fields.
Children in the Nursery use the fabulous Woodland Walk on a regular basis, so that they can explore the environment around them. Each term we focus on a particular topic (such as weather, pets or seasons). As well as an opportunity to enjoy books and crafts around that subject, our beautiful grounds allow a magical space to explore and learn.
Hot lunch is served in the Nursery every day, cooked by our in-house catering team. Children are encouraged to try the great variety of food on offer while enjoying a family atmosphere with their friends and teachers. Our catering team are able to support any individual dietary needs.
Our Nursery and Kindergarten Team work well together providing a seamless transition to your child's next step at Oakwood.