The school is open from 7.45am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (special provision can be made for children to be dropped off early: please see below). We can only take responsibility for children during those hours. Registration takes place from 8.15 am onwards and for Prep School pupils, lessons begin at 8.35 am.
Breakfast is offered to all children who are being dropped off early (from 7.45 am), in order to help cater for working families. An additional cost of £3.00 is charged for breakfast. Children are offered cereals, toast and fruit juice. There is no requirement to book this service.
Morning Lessons
Lessons in the Prep School are 35 or 70 minutes in length. There are six lesson periods in the morning, during which the majority of the core subjects are taught. There is a 30-minute break at 10.20am. Lessons in the Pre-Prep run from 8.45am to 12noon, with a 30-minute break at 10.20am.
Nursery and Kindergarten children eat their hot lunches in their classrooms, sitting at tables with a member of staff. They are offered the same choices of hot and cold food as the rest of the school community and no packed lunches are required.
All other children enjoy lunch in the school dining room. There are three sittings – 12pm for Reception to Year 2 and 12.35pm or 1.05pm for Years 3-6. Lunch is an important part of the day with pupils and staff eating together. Manners and respect are recognised as being important aspects of education. We take a moment to give thanks for all we have which children leading a quick grace.
A balanced meal is offered every day and children are encouraged to eat their vegetables.
Lunchtime Activities
There are many options for the children at Oakwood during the lunchtime break. As well as playing in the wonderful grounds, they can also choose to attend fencing, choir or ballet, or simply to read quietly in the spacious and inviting library.
All children are offered a drink and a snack during morning break and again before clubs begin after school. We ask that children do not bring in any other snacks due to allergies that some children may have, however for special occasions please consult your child's Form Teacher.
There are four lesson periods after lunch, in the Prep School, and the school day ends at 3.30pm (Pre-Prep) and 4.15pm (Prep School).